
See, Bepin, Tenshi no Eki Diary, ed. by Nakajima, Akane.

See, Bepin, Tenshi no Eki Diary, ed. by Nakajima, Akane.

ほら、べっぴん 天使の絵日記編 中島あかね

Akane Nakajima, 12, Akane's Refreshing Shape-Up.

Akane Nakajima, 12, Akane's Refreshing Shape-Up.

「天使の絵日記」中島あかね 12才 あかねの爽やかシェイプアップ

The Angel's Picture Diary" Ayaka Ito, Mizuki Sanegata, 11, cobalt-coloured, summer scent.

The Angel's Picture Diary" Ayaka Ito, Mizuki Sanegata, 11, cobalt-coloured, summer scent.

「天使の絵日記」伊藤彩夏・實形瑞希11才 コバルト色した夏の香り

'Angel's pictorial diary', Akane Nakajima, 11, celebratory shots echoing in the tropical sky.

'Angel's pictorial diary', Akane Nakajima, 11, celebratory shots echoing in the tropical sky.

「天使の絵日記」中島あかね11才 南国の空にこだまする祝砲

Ayaka Ito, 11, has a smile that shines brightly in the great outdoors.

Ayaka Ito, 11, has a smile that shines brightly in the great outdoors.

「天使の絵日記」伊藤彩夏11才 大自然で光り輝く笑顔

'Angel's pictorial diary', Akane Nakajima, age 10, receiving the summer sun with all her being.

'Angel's pictorial diary', Akane Nakajima, age 10, receiving the summer sun with all her being.

「天使の絵日記」中島あかね10才 夏の陽を全身で受けとめて

Mizuki Sanegata, 11, fascinated by the beautiful sea and forests.

Mizuki Sanegata, 11, fascinated by the beautiful sea and forests.

「天使の絵日記」實形瑞希11才 美しい海と森に魅せられて

'Angel's pictorial diary' Masamai, 8, dancing innocently.

'Angel's pictorial diary' Masamai, 8, dancing innocently.

「天使の絵日記」雅舞8才 無邪気に舞って

Ayaka Ito & Mizuki Sanegata (11 years old), dazzling summer skin 2.

Ayaka Ito & Mizuki Sanegata (11 years old), dazzling summer skin 2.

「天使の絵日記」伊藤彩夏&實形瑞希11才 眩く光る夏の肌2

'Angel's diary' YUKA, 10 years old, with a big dream in her small breast.

'Angel's diary' YUKA, 10 years old, with a big dream in her small breast.

「天使の絵日記」YUKA10才 小さな胸に大きな夢を抱いて

'Angel's pictorial diary', Reizen Mai, 11, Sweat splashed across the summer sky.

'Angel's pictorial diary', Reizen Mai, 11, Sweat splashed across the summer sky.

「天使の絵日記」怜全麻伊11才 夏の空にとび散る汗

Mizuki Jitsugata, 11 years old, has sparkling eyes that look to the future.

Mizuki Jitsugata, 11 years old, has sparkling eyes that look to the future.

「天使の絵日記」實形瑞希11才 未来を見つめる煌めく瞳

'Angel's Picture Diary' Ayaka Ito, age 11, smiles that fill the sky.

'Angel's Picture Diary' Ayaka Ito, age 11, smiles that fill the sky.

「天使の絵日記」伊藤彩夏11才 空いっぱいに広がる笑顔

Akane Nakajima, age 10, surrounded by sky, water and greenery.

Akane Nakajima, age 10, surrounded by sky, water and greenery.

「天使の絵日記」中島あかね 10才 空と水と緑につつまれて

'Angel's pictorial diary' Masamai, 8, mujaki smile.

'Angel's pictorial diary' Masamai, 8, mujaki smile.

「天使の絵日記」雅舞8才 むじゃきな微笑